Support of recent .indd files

Wordbee now support .indd files generated with InDesign CS6 or later. These will actually be converted into .idml to allow the import into your projects. 

Upon right click in the document section, the conversion option is now available: 

To use this feature your administrator will need to enable it in the settings under 'Web Preview and INDD Converter' and sign-up for a subscription with our partner Frontlab. 

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact your Account Manager. 


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    Ben Pleij

    Hi there,

    I'm literally re-posting my question posted earlier this morning to this page, as this post is newer than that one, and I don't know if you still check posts that far back. I have a question regarding the handling of INDD files:

    We are actually looking right now for a way to import a very large project (200+ INDD files), into Wordbee for translation, which will take far too long to convert individually/manually outside of Wordbee.

    Just so that we're clear, this plug-in will convert files to IDML, but if our client really needs to receive INDD files back (they're a third party themselves), is it also possible to have Wordbee/FrontLab convert the files back to .INDD, post-translation, upon completion? Or would we then still need to convert the files back ourselves manually?

    (Also, on the FrontLab website, it states that the cost of the service is a base fee, plus a "page preview fee". Am I right in assuming that this page preview fee is also the file conversion fee?)

    Lastly, will we be able, if we take out a FrontLab subscription, to batch-convert all the 200 files to IDML in one go from within the Documents tab in Wordbee, or would we still need to manually right-click all the individual files and convert to IDML per file?

    Hope to hear from you soon.


    All the best,


    Ben Pleij,

    Textwerk Project Manager.

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    Hi Ben,

    Manual conversion is only necessary if you want to physically have an IDML in the document library besides the INDD file. Otherwise, you can just mark all of your INDD files for online translation as usual. This will do the conversion (and of course the translated files will be converted back to INDD.

    Note that we'll soon be announcing an alternative to Frontlab for INDD conversion AND preview.




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    Ben Pleij

    Hi Brahim


    Thanks for the reply! To avoid too much cross-posting, I have replied to your message, here.


    All the best,



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