Release Notes 2/20/2023 - Wordbee Translator []

New Wordbee Translator features and enhancements released on Monday, February 20, 2023:

Released to: [Azure] [Switzerland] 

[NEW] New Global Average in Report S540
In report S540, we have added a new placeholder, <#Lines.AverageGlobal>, which calculates the average rating of all individual ratings across all categories. For more information about our Supplier Rating report please visit:

[IMPROVE] Improvements to Access Right Descriptions R306 and R308
We have improved the description for Access right R306 to include the identification of R308 as a dependent right. If R306 is enabled, then R308 must also be enabled for the user to have the ability to send messages in the job.

New Descriptions:
For R306
Can see messages related to jobs and add messages
If enabled, users are able to see job level messages. Please note, users can only send messages if the right to change the status of a job (R308) is also enabled. Additional editing rights for messages in Codyt jobs are defined in R355 and R356.

For R308
Can change the status of a job
If enabled, users can update the status of jobs that have been assigned to them. Changes between specific statuses are controlled by the configured business rules (see Settings > Work Processes > Jobs).

[IMPROVE] Report S540 Now Has AutoFilter on All Columns
We have added the AutoFilter feature to all column headers in Report S540.

[FIX] Extracting Text by Color in Excel
Occasionally, colored text in Excel would not be extracted even when the exact colors were specified in the parser configuration; this issue has been fixed and now works as expected.

[FIX] Changes to the HTML Parser Text Segmentation
In the HTML Parsers configuration, we have made changes to the option "Append spaces at the end of sub-segments only if it's ended by separator." If enabled, a space will be added to the end of a sub-segment with a separator, except for the last subsegment of the text string. Previously even the last sub-segment in the text string received a space inserted when using this parser configuration.

[FIX] Wordbee Translator Now Supports Tajik as LTR Language
The Tajik language was considered a RTL language in Wordbee Translator. We have now corrected this language to be LTR.

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