Instructions for translators copied over from order to project


the client notes instructions in the order form, since it is a codyt project project manager does not send his translator separate instructions. How can we show the clients instructions one-on-one to the translator?



to make the client's comments visible in the project for suppliers you need to modify your order form.
1. Go to your order form
2. Select the option in your order form you would like to modify (see #1 in below screenshot) <probably you would like to change it in every option) and go to "Project Settings" (#2), there in the boxes you can use following placeholders:

{{OrderReference}} The reference of the order
{{OrderIntComments}} The internal comments of the order
{{OrderInstructions}} The instructions set in the order
{{OrderRequester}} The name of the person who submitted the order
{{OrderCustomStr1}} States
{{OrderCustomStr2}} Other target languages

So for example we can do the following:

and instructions from the order will be copied to the project. 


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