For PowerPoint file, can we include Notes BUT exclude User Comments in PowerPoint file? So that only Notes are included for translation.
If we tick the "Extract user comments for translation" in PowerPoint settings
Wordbee will extract both Notes & User Comments for translation. But we want to extract only Notes.
That is right that by enabling the option "Extract user comments" both notes and comments are extracted.
As workaround I would suggest opening PowerPoint file, clicking main menu button and Prepare and Inspect document option. Once the document is inspected you will have an option to delete all user comments. This way you can parse the PowerPoint with all user comments removed. Then, once translation is ready, you can upload to your project and enable for online translation original PowerPoint which includes user comments and it will be pretranslated with the project memory which is populated with entries coming from PowerPoint file without comments. This way whole PowerPoint file will be translated and user comments translations will be left empty, you can copy the source of those segments into target using this feature
and then you can finalize the PowerPoint file and the resulting file will look exactly like you expect it: everything translated except user comments.