Dear Wordbee,
up until now we've been using the Order Form to enter new orders manually into the system. So far, we've been very happy with using the form to automate options per client, such as a custom Resource Groups (Translation Memories), workflow templates and indicate a machine-translation preference per client. For a new venture we will be using an API which will take information from an order form on our website and enter them directly in Wordbee using the "New Codyt project" workflow, instead of submitting them through the Order form. We'd like to use the same options for that workflow which we also use through the Order Form, but currently, I'm missing the options in the codyt project screen to assign several functions. Are there ways of automating the following processes so that they happen in the codyt process entry just like in the order form workflow? The two options are:
Tying a recurring translation memory to a client (just as you do with a Resource Group in the Order Form), as well as a machine-translation preference?
Also, in the Order Form, I've added a second user option called "MT Workflow" which, when creating orders through the order form, starts a post-edit job (instead of a Translation/Proofreading job).
When starting a project through Projects -> New Codyt project, this post-editing job doesn't start for this client; instead, a single work step called "Translation" pops up. Where can I change this? We want codyt projects which are created automatically to contain the post-editing type job.
Is there a way to tie this work step to a client just like in the Order form (which is done there through the "workflow template")?
I realize this is a big request. Hope there is some info on this!
Kind regards,
Ben Pleij,
Project Manager Textwerk.