We checked the Column Manager setup and found several issues:
I am using Japanese to English Codyt job file as an example.
1) Custom fields for both Translation Memory and Termbase are displayed when we are opening a file for translation. Majority of our custom fields are set up for termbase only. When a user selected those columns, many blank columns showed up.
2) In English/Japanese section both the Editor page segment info and translation memory custom field info are displayed in the column selector area. It is difficult to tell which field is coming from where. For example, we have Status custom field and Comment custom field and so does the Translation editor.
3) Also, the top part of the Editor page (and the heading of the columns) takes a lot of the space. (See the area in the red rectangular below) Would it be possible to make this area smaller? We prefer to use the Editor Page space to display translation text and related segment info like what we have in the current editor page.