Disappearing segments & source text

Job ref.: CS_Flyer_Sport_xxxx_07_2017_de

Morning guys,

I have the same problem as Francoise in that segments disappear from the Editor once I've translated them. And they are not saved in the memory, so I've had cases where I've had to translate the same segment 4 times and it still hasn't worked. Sara Mendez has been looking at the problem for us and was interested in having the job number where we've been having the problem, so I've included the job ref. above.

In addition (a different problem), the source text is not always displayed in the Editor. I only noticed this because I was translated several letters that were very similar and noticed some text was missing. I then had to close the Editor and open it again, and the text was shown (job ref: "eGate Brief_Thoma").

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regards,



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