The user ran all tasks successfully and imported back the finalized translations, but not translated content shows up in Typo3.
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Mareike Bouriga Please check you server settings.
Typo3 beebox connector needs to run some “phpsh” files to do some tasks, such as importing translations into the CMS when they are received. Most of the Typo3 installations are running on Linux servers, and those ones can run such scripts nativelly. However, some servers are not able to run it nativelly. To test it, you could try to run the scheduler from a command line. To do this, connect to your server in a command line, and go to the Typo3 installation folder. Then, try to run the following command: typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh scheduler
If you get any errors, it means that your server is not well configured, and you need to configure it to have it running such scripts.
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