I have Beebox running locally on my PC for a large project. However, now my PC is failing and I need a new PC. Would it be possible to transfer the projects from my local Beebox installation to another Beebox installation that runs on our server without losing any data? All I need to do is generate the target files.
1 comment
Stephan Böhmig Official comment This can be done rather easily. It basically comes down to copying the project related files from the original PC to the new one:
It works as follows:
1. Copy all your Beebox projects to the new location
Each Beebox project is a sub folder inside c:\beebox. Depending on how you created projects the folders are either long alphanumeric keys or the project names.
Copy the files to the new PC or server under c:\beebox.
2. Login to the target Beebox user interface
3. Go to "Administration" and click "Reset Server"
Alternatively you can also restart the Wordbee Beebox service as explained here: http://documents.wordbee.com/display/bb/Manage+Windows+Service
4. If you have linked projects to Wordbee Translator:
The links will not be working in the new Beebox. You need to open each project and go to "Settings" > "Translation vendor". Delete the existing link and then recreate it. This page is explained here: http://documents.wordbee.com/display/bb/Settings+-+Translation+Vendor