Translating Chinese with the Microsoft Machine Translation tool


Some customers find themselves having problems when trying to machine translate documents into the Chinese language with Microsoft Translator.

This is due to the fact that, currently, our connector supports only the legacy Chinese character codes. Starting with tomorrow's system release, however, you shall be able to use the new codes. Below is a list of the variants we will now support:

"zh-CHS": simplified Chinese;

"zh-CN": Chinese (China)

"zh-SG": Chinese (Singapore);

"Zh-Hans": Chinese (Simplified), China:

"zh-My": Chinese (Malaysia)

 "zh-CHT": Chinese (Traditional), legacy name;

"zh-Hant": Chinese (Traditional)

"Zh-HK": Chinese (Hong-Kong)”

"Zh-TW": Chinese (Taiwan”

"Zh-MO": Chinese (Macao)

"zh" (covers any other Chinese variant).

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