Understanding the difference between match and repetition

Many clients have been facing difficulties figuring out why repetitions only show up in certain cases and not others.

In order for this to be clear, we need to understand the concept of repetition and how it differs from that of memory match.

When two files reside in a Wordbee project, the system tries to find identical segments among these files: these segments are called repetitions of eachother; they should not be confused with memory matches, which are the results of the comparison of the actual document segments with the ones stored in the memory.


Let’s explain this with an example:

we have two documents sharing a lot of content, but which have some differences.

These two will contain many equal segments, but some that are indeed different.

When you upload the first one, the word count will show no repetitions, since its segments don’t have any correspondence in other documents inside the project. However, when you import the second one, this document will show repetitions because all identical segments found in the first document will be counted as repetitions.


Note: when counting words for a project, however, the system will treat repetitions and 100% matches equally, since the end result is still a segment which perfectly corresponds to the original, regardless of whether it comes from a memory or from another project document. If you decide to let the system pre-translate your text, memory matches and repetitions which have a previous translation will be auto-propogated for you. Segments which appear in multiple documents but for which a translation does not exist will appear in the “100% matches and pre-translations column”. Once you create a translation for one of these segments, its translation can be leveraged in all its other repetitions.



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