When we make an estimate, we go to Counts and Cost, but since you can only export one page (30 files), it is very time consuming when you have 400 plus files. Isn't there a one-click way to make an estimate, or at least enabling export of all file data in one project, without doing it page by page and adding excel to excel? Very time consuming and easy to make mistakes the way it is now.
Wojciech Mocek Hello Andrew,
thanks for your post.
Wouldn't be a solution for you to create a Quote Draft from costed documents and export this quote to excel.
This way you will have all documents with their costs listed in one excel.
Let me know if it helps.
All the best
Wojciech Mocek Hello Andrew,
if you do not select anything but just click to Set cost then cost is calculated for all filtered items.
Same thing happens for Create quote/invoice option.
Enjoy your day!
All the best
Andrew Jones Thanks! When I do that, it selects only those jobs I already assigned. Do I have to assign the jobs first? Or, how do I unselect the jobs so I can get the costs for all of the files?
Wojciech Mocek Hello Andrew.
Not sure if we are on the same page.
Would you be able to send a screenshot?
All the best
Andrew Jones This time, it worked, picking up all the jobs. Previously, I must have had only some selected/filtered, so it did not include all the jobs.
Now, if only there could be no url length restriction ;-)
Wojciech Mocek I am glad it work Andrew.
Wishing you great week.
All the best
Andrew Jones Actually, I have a question. When I set the cost, it shows the proper number of files, but when I click Ok, it says that it is only for 1 row. Since there are over 700 files, how do I find the one rwo that is ticked and un-tick it so I can get all rows costed? See attachments.
Wojciech Mocek Dear Andrew,
the pop up message refers not to a ticked a file but to a row ticked in the window Set supplier cost for filtered/selected jobs.
See below
1 row
2 rows
Hope it answers your doubts.
All the best
Andrew Jones Thank you, Wojciech. Sorry you had to give me a complete lesson--but it is very helpful!
Wojciech Mocek My pleasure Andrew. I love to teach, a lot of joy when you see other people discover what they haven't been able to see before.
Enjoy your day!
All the best