Will it be possible to QA multiple files at the same time if you have them all open in the translation editor?
Alexandre Ronin Official comment Hello Mark,
Thank you for your message. This is indeed currently not possible. We have plans to add this feature in our development pipeline. However, I cannot give you an estimate as to when this feature will be made available.
We hope that this will suit your needs.
Kind regards,
Daniel Cooper I read today that Wordbee is launching sentiment analysis in the editor.
Can we not get this very basic QA request fulfilled?
Paula M Hello Wordbee! Is there a way to run a QC check for several documents in one project at once?
Thank you!
Maik Mehlhose Dear Paula,
Unfortunately this is still not possible at the moment due to technical restrictions. Our team currently lays the basis that will allow for this enhancement. The matter is a bit complex as it touches on vital parts of the translation editor and the quality assurance module.
There's a workaround for some QA checks: Whenever you mark a document for online translation its segments are put into a project memory. If you open the project memory you can run the Quick QA for all segments and the changes and QA issues will also be taken back into each individual document within the project. The same goes for normal QA profiles. However the Terminology check (e.g. checking adherence to translation memories) will not work. Translation memories are attached to each project while when you open a project memory by itself it is not linked to the other project resources you set up.
There's another downside with this workaround: This kind of QA is only available for your internal users and not for external translators.
I hope this workaround can make things a bit easier for you while we work on a permanent solution.
Maik Mehlhose
Product Delivery Manager