How to change the background so that tabs and even type in segments are easy to read. Please see the attached. It becomes more visible using the snap tool, but in various screens I use, it is very difficult to read.
Jessica Liu Hi Andrew,
As a user, I believe that you may change the background and color theme of the editor by clicking your profile photo at the top right corner.
But this should not change the background color of the tabs.
Perhaps you may also ask your platform admin to change the Settings > Colors, logo & contents > Customize general look & feel, as shown in the screenshot below. That should do it.
Andrew Jones Thank you Jessica. I don't need a background (my editor window covers all the screen), but I will try the Customize general look & feel! Thanks for the tip.
Andrew Jones Still, I wonder if it is my pc settings that make gray background with light white letters so hard to read. If it is common, maybe the default should be changed?
Andrew Jones It turns out the words are illegible on other PC/screens as well.
If you change the background to black, the letters become visible. It is a workaround, but can Wordbee change this so that we have control of all the outlines?
Alexandre Ronin Hello Andrew,
The color scheme is the new color palette that we have defined for our new interfaces and it is not something that we're eager to change on a whim... Can you perhaps give us a bit more information about what's your issue with these colors?
If I understand correctly, you think that these fonts are not contrasted enough with the backgrounds:
If you really have issues with the colors, we can imagine more display options to change the font colors in a "high contrast" mode, but this is something that we'll need to discuss internally.
Can you perhaps confirm is an option to change colors like this could help your case somehow ?
(Please note that this is a small test I've done and may not reflect the final implementation of our changes)
Thanks in advance for your response. We'll do our best to make sure that you feel comfortable using the translation editor.
Kind regards,
Andrew Jones First, I followed Jessica's suggestion to change the background to black and this makes the white letters more visible.
If the background is the default wood panels, however, it is almost impossible to read the font (white font on pale yellow). In the following, almost no one I talked to can read the words in the line below Editor. I suppose it would be nice if you could change the font color in addition to the background color. Is it possible?
Alexandre Ronin Hi Andrew,
So your concern is mostly the white text in the header? Not in other areas? I was under the impression that the text in the panels was the issue in your initial message.
This is still something we can consider. I personally don't have any issue with this, but we'll gather some feedback and likely propose a solution at some point. I'll keep you informed through this thread.
Andrew Jones Yes, for me at least, I need a dark background to see white font. But with black background it works fine.
Andrew Jones And, to answer your question, yes it was just the words under Editor I couldn't read.
Alexandre Ronin Hi Andrew,
Thanks for confirming :) I'll discuss this with the team and we'll find solution for this. I'll keep you informed.
Kind regards,
Andrew Jones Any resolution?