The old Green/Red status indication at the left was easy to see. The new editor's one is not so easy to see. Any way you can bring back the old green or red rectangle at the left indicating the status?
Alexandre Ronin Official comment Hello Mike,
Due to the fact that it is possible to add multiple columns in the editor, this is no longer an option, as statuses are set on a language-level, instead of a segment-level as it was falsely implied in the old editor. Here's an example:
In the screenshot, you will notice that both languages can have statuses set on them and are displayed at the same time. Since each language has their own status, we cannot include the status in the segment number as in the old editor as this wouldn't be correct.
I hope that my explanation was clear enough. Please feel free to share your comments if you have any more suggestions.
Kind regards,
Jessica Liu Hi Alex,
May I see your configuration of column manager? I don't know how to view the status bar of source language.
Alexandre Ronin Hello Jessica,
You typically won't be able to see the status of the source language. In my screenshot, you can see the status on the source language as it is also a target language in my project and workflow.
When your language is only a source language, the status bar won't be displayed, which is generally what happens in most situations.
I hope that this answers your concerns.
Mike Holland How about showing a white bar instead of grey for no status? I have a hard time distinguishing between grey (I think that's what it is) and green. You might also consider an option to make the bar (indicating status on the left) a bit wider. Also, my screen shows the source and target (ja and en) rotated 90 deg. counterclockwise; any way to rotate it back to where it is presented right side up?
Mike Holland Or maybe a smiling face for good status and a frowning face for error? (or X for good and checkmark for error?). Just ideas.