Any way to do this in the new editor?
Wojciech Mocek Official comment Good morning Mike,
hope you had a good weekend.
It is possible to exclude MT hits both in old and new editor by filtering MTed segments out, marking them with blue bookmark for example and then filter out only segments with no bookmark.
FYI: in old editor you can filter MTed segments out like shown here
while in new editor you can do it this way
Hope this answer is helpful.
In case you need further clarification do not hesitate to ask.
Have a very blessed week Mike.
All the best
Wojciech Mocek Good morning Mike,
thanks for the question.
Could you explain exactly what do you mean, possibly with screenshot(s)?
Has the action you have in mind been possible in old editor?
All the best
Mike Holland In the new editor, and I believe the old editor, it seems not possible to exclude MT hits from appearing in the Translation finder to the right in the editor window. (Want only human translations.) Does that make sense?
Mike Holland Did this answer your question?
Mike Holland No, I don't mean filtering for segments in the current translation (using the filter icon), I mean showing just the hits from the project memory and other reference memories (whatever is attached to the project) that are NON-machine translation hits. Any way to do that?
Wojciech Mocek Hello Mike,
you can open project translation project memory and work same way as I have already shown you.
If I miss any detail here, explain it to me, please.
All the best
Mike Holland Would it be possible for you to open a WB ticket for this, so I can upload images? Basically, when you open a translation in the New Editor (the old editor is going to be retired, presumably, so we can forget about it here), and I open a segment (put the cursor in the target segment), WB performs a search of all the hits in all the TMs attached to the project, including the project memory (PM). It then presents the results of the search in the Translation Finder pane to the right. Now, you can tell the match rate of a hit and whether it is from a TM or the PM, but you can't tell whether a hit is a machine translation (last editor is machine translation) unless you drill down into the details, which takes time. My original question is: is there any setting to prevent machine translation hits from appearing in the results of the search when you open the segment?