The smart assistant is flagging errors such as "space before punctuation" or "two punctuation marks together." Whoever programmed this did a lousy job because it includes hyphens and bracket marks as punctuation. Last time I checked, you always have a space before parentheses and brackets. You should also have a space before and after a hyphen if you are trying to use it as a dash and not a hyphen.
Wojciech Mocek Official comment Good morning Jeanette.
Thanks for your remarks.
I have been able to check and indeed there are cases like space before opening bracket and full stop after bracket flagged as an error by Smart Assitant.
We appreciate that you reported this and going to discuss within the team.
Have a very blessed day.
All the best
Wojciech Mocek Hello again,
I have just learnt that it is possible to define exceptions as described in this thread:
All the best
Jeanette Koenig Thank you for your prompt assistance. Also, I must apologize for the very discourteous tone in my original post. I am used to dealing with Microsoft, which is both inaccurate and unresponsive. It was inexcusable of me to assume you would be like them. Please accept my apologies.
For the sake of better accuracy, in English there are only a handful of characters that can't have a space before them: the period, comma, semicolon, full colon, question mark, and exclamation mark (.,;:?!). The apostrophe ('), when used as an apostrophe, also should never have a space before it; however, it is sometimes used as a single-quotation mark, in which case there will be times where a space is needed.
Wojciech Mocek Good morning Jeanette.
I do accept your apologies.
Thanks for your remarks on spaces in English.
So, you should be able to use the article I have sent you to define exceptions in your QA profile.
Here is the documentation on QA profiles.
If you still have any questions do not hesitate to let me know and I will assist you.
Have another blessed day Jeanette.
All the best