Dear support team,
I noticed that in the comments words are just broken off at a random to fit the comment in the available space. This makes the comments difficult to read. Is it possible to not have words broken off at all?
Kind regards,
Dear support team,
I noticed that in the comments words are just broken off at a random to fit the comment in the available space. This makes the comments difficult to read. Is it possible to not have words broken off at all?
Kind regards,
Good afternoon,
I am not sure I understood your problem, can you attach a screenshot to this ticket ?
Hi Inge,
This problem is now resolved, and will available in the next release,
Kind regards
Dear Mikaël,
I don't see that this is solved? The words are still broken off wrongly in the comments.
Kind regards,
Hi Inge
Indeed the problem is not really fix for every browser. I re-open the issue and contact the devlopment team.
I contact you when the problem is really solved :)
Display with Google Chorme
Display with Mozilla Firefox
Sorry for that,
Hi Mikaël,
Thanks for the update. I work in Google Chrome, so for Chrome it isn't completely fixed yet either.
Kind regards,